Can Suicide Be Work-related?

Can Suicide Be Work-related?

Until recently, the New Hampshire Supreme Court had not addressed the issue of whether or not suicide could be covered under the New Hampshire Workers’ Compensation Statute.  The idea that the intentional taking of one’s life could be compensable was in...
COVID-19 FAQs for Employers

COVID-19 FAQs for Employers

This is a challenging time for employers, and since conditions are changing rapidly it may be difficult to stay up to speed with the rules and regulations. EEOC guidance and interpretation of what is permissible under the ADA and Title VII is evolving and may continue...
Simple Tips to Detect Spam and Phishing E-mails

Simple Tips to Detect Spam and Phishing E-mails

Carefully look at the contents of an e-mail. If an e-mail contains the following red flags, then it’s likely to be spam: • The words “Kindly Find” or “Please view/review” • Unusual and vague subject line content that may not make sense o e.g.,...
Your Rights as a Condominium Owner in New Hampshire

Your Rights as a Condominium Owner in New Hampshire

For those that may not know, there is a specific law that covers Condominiums and how they are set up. That law is RSA 356-B and is known as the Condominium Act. Much of this Act covers the establishment of a Condominium, but in 2010, RSA 356-B:70 was added which...

9th Camp Allen Classic Annual Golf Tournament

The Annual Camp Allen Golf Tournament was held on June 29, 2015 at the Manchester Country Club. Trombley Kfoury, P.A. is proud to be a Sponsor of this charity event. The Camp Allen Classic proceeds will benefit campers and families. Camp Allen provides opportunities...