Trombley & Kfoury are Attorneys at Law with Offices in Bedford NH & Durham NH

When results really matter. Our team of NH Attorneys are well-known and respected, with a presence before state and federal courts, as well as administrative agencies such as the New Hampshire Labor Department and Human Right Commission. 
Our mission is to assist and protect New Hampshire residents and business owners in their legal matters.

Trombley & Kfoury Legal News Blog

COVID-19 FAQs for Employers

COVID-19 FAQs for Employers

This is a challenging time for employers, and since conditions are changing rapidly it may be difficult to stay up to speed with the rules and regulations. EEOC guidance and interpretation of what is permissible under the ADA and Title VII is evolving and may continue...

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Simple Tips to Detect Spam and Phishing E-mails

Simple Tips to Detect Spam and Phishing E-mails

Carefully look at the contents of an e-mail. If an e-mail contains the following red flags, then it’s likely to be spam: • The words “Kindly Find” or “Please view/review” • Unusual and vague subject line content that may not make sense o e.g., “Payments&Statements”...

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Workers’ Compensation cases for employers and their insurance companies, and employees. 

Employment law issues for employers and employees.     

Personal injury such as motor vehicle and motor cycle accidents, slip and falls, and dog bites

3 Executive Park Drive
Suite 263
Bedford, NH 03110
P: (603) 935-7566
F: (603) 488-5368
PO Box 770
Durham, NH 03824
P: (603) 868-6155
F: (603) 292-5426